Written for Colorado SEO Experts. Published at https://todaysmama.com

How many times, when we were kids, did someone say to us, “When I was a kid, I had to walk to school, uphill both ways, barefoot, in the snow!”

Now we say to our kids, “When I was younger, we didn’t have smartphones, tablets, and video games. We had to play outside!”

We worry that our kids are spending too much time in front of a screen. So how do we get them to put the screens down and learn to love the outdoors?

Get Outdoors With Them

Life gets busy and it can be hard to spread your time around, but if you want your kids to enjoy something then you need to do it with them.

Lead by example! Put your smartphone down and give them your undivided attention.

Find an outdoor activity that you can do together. Don’t just sit on the sidelines and watch. 

All kids crave attention from their parents and by doing activities with them, you are opening the door to communication.

You are creating a bridge, between the two of you, to a place that you have a common interest that you can further explore and talk about. 

So find something outdoors that you can do together and make it fun;

  • Go fishing and the first to catch a fish wins a $1
  • Go on a hike and race each other to the end of the trail
  • Play a sport together
  • Go somewhere new so you and your kids can experience it for the first time together
  • Plan an adventure like a camping trip (or make it a Glamping trip for even more fun and adventure!)

Let Your Kids Help Plan An Outdoor Adventure

Get your kids involved. 

Pick a few options of places that you can travel to, and let them be a part of making the decision. Show them pictures and give them examples of the fun activities that are offered. And let them decide what activities to plan. 

Colorado is home to endless opportunities for outdoor adventures. One of the most beautiful places in Colorado is the Royal Gorge. It is located just outside of Canyon City and about an hour from Colorado Springs. 

There are so many adventures that you can let your kids choose from. They can go fishing in the Arkansas River, or take a train ride at the Royal Gorge. Or you can head to Colorado Springs to visit the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo or the Garden of the Gods. 

And to make it even more fun you can make it a “Glamping” trip. That’s right, a glamping trip, not a camping trip! Many vacation destinations offer these amazing tents that your family can stay in so it feels like you are camping, but you have all of the comforts of home right at your fingertips.

Don’t worry, you can still bring the tablets and smartphones along because these tents come equipped with electrical outlets and free wifi!

Build Up Their Excitement For the Outdoors

If you want your kids to get excited about something, pump them up! In the days leading up to your trip, talk about all the fun adventures you will take and what it will be like. 

Talk about how it will feel to wake up in the morning in your glamping tent with the beautiful sunshine and fresh mountain air, the peacefulness of the birds singing and breakfast on your private patio.

Give them as much detail as you can so they can see it in their mind and imagine what it will be like. 

Let Them Feel the Rush

Deep down, we all love the feeling of adrenaline and kids are no different. When we feel that adrenaline we want to go back for more. 

After they feel the rush of riding the zipline through Manitou Springs or catching the first fish of the day, they won’t even be worried about what the wifi password is back at the Glamping Tent! 

And at the end of the day when the adrenaline has worn off, sit together by the outdoor fire pit and make smores and talk about how much fun everyone had that day and all the things that are planned for the next day!

Don’t forget, no matter what you do together, praise them for being brave and trying something new. Let them know that you are proud of them. Keep the experience positive because they are not going to want to do something again if it was a horrible experience.

Keeping Planning New Adventures

So, how do you get your kids to love the outdoors? Take them outdoors. Take them on adventures and let them experience it for themselves!

But don’t stop there, keep planning new adventures. Talk to your kids and ask them what they want to do next.