Written for Complete Care of Colorado – A Natural Approach to Family Medicine

Spring is the best time of year, and here in Colorado, we just might be done with the snow!

The weather warms up, the days are longer, and the color comes back to the trees and grass.

But there is one downside to the warmer months…Seasonal Allergies!

With the budding trees and beautiful flowers comes pollen and other irritants that make us want to run inside on the nicest of days!

Here at Complete Care of Colorado, we have 5 effective, natural remedies for seasonal allergies.

How to Break Free From Your Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies can affect anyone with either an overactive or underactive immune system because everything that enters your body is first processed through your liver.

So, during allergy season when pollen, dust, and other allergens are present in your body, your liver is working in overtime to process the foreign substances. When your liver is overloaded and unable to process all these foreign bodies, the immune system becomes hypersensitive and overreactive to the seasonal changes causing severe seasonal allergy symptoms.

Liver Health

When allergens enter your liver, it begins to produce antibodies to fight off what it doesn’t recognize, and when too many antibodies are released, it creates a hormone called histamine which is responsible for your spring seasonal allergy symptoms such as:

  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Runny or itchy nose
  • Itchy, watery eyes or eye irritation
  • Wheezing

1. Detoxify Your Liver

Detoxing your liver will help to ensure that it can handle all the allergens that it is processing. We offer a multitude of detox kits that don’t just help your liver, but they also help detox your entire body making sure it is ready to tackle those seasonal allergies. 

All of our Detox Kits are available here. Any of these kits will help to clear your liver and reduce inflammation making it easier for your body to process allergens and avoid allergy symptoms. 

There are other things you can do for your liver as well, such as reducing stress and reducing other inflammatory challenges such as sugar, alcohol, and dairy. 

Immune System

When your liver is working in overtime processing the allergens that are entering your body, your immune system becomes hypersensitive and overreactive, which can cause these common allergy symptoms:

  • Fatigue/trouble sleeping
  • Headaches
  • Ear infections

2. Ozone Therapy

Ozone Therapy works by stimulating the immune system and regulating the production of proteins that destroy harmful microbes. 

By increasing blood flow and circulation throughout the body, ozone stimulates the uptake and utilization of oxygen by the body’s cells allowing your body to use oxygen more effectively.

Ozone is effective on multiple levels. On a very basic level, ozone activates the immune system and stimulates oxygen metabolism in cells. When foreign substances enter your immune system, it becomes inflamed and starts attacking those substances, so during allergy season it is very important to boost your immune system to help it fight off the allergens that are present. 

By keeping your immune system at optimal performance, you will greatly reduce the symptoms of allergies. 

3. IV Therapy

Nutritional IV Therapy is a more effective way to deliver nutrients to hydrate and revive the body. You can select a tailor-made blend for your needs, or you can choose from our menu. 

For example, Mt. Sneffles is the ultimate immune booster. It combines B complex, zinc, vitamin C and normal saline. 

This would help relax your overactive immune system giving you relief from your allergy symptoms. 

Not to mention that being properly hydrated will help to flush out your liver, helping it to process all the allergens coming into your body. 

For Even Faster Relief

If you need some relief right now, try these two products below. They won’t leave you with that feeling of brain fog like some over the counter allergy meds do. 

4. Natural D-Hist

Natural D-Hist is a natural remedy for seasonal allergies made up of a powerful combination of antihistamines that actively promotes healthy nasal and sinus passages for people who suffer from allergies during seasonal changes, have elevated histamine, or respiratory irritation.

And, it will not cause drowsiness! 

5. Nasal Spray

“Dr. Gappa’s Nasal Spray” is an antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral natural allergy treatment. 

It is great for treating sinus issues and allergies while soothing and healing the sinus passages.

And since it is all-natural with no chemical substances, it will also help to heal your immune system.

Because of its natural ingredients, this spray will help with:

  • Nasal Congestion
  • Facial pressure or pain
  • Sore Throat
  • Impaired sense of smell and taste
  • Weakened immune system

We treat the fire not the smoke, meaning we aren’t treating your seasonal allergy symptoms, we are treating the underlying issues of your immune system and your liver. 

If you implement any of these things, we guarantee you will see more than just relief from your seasonal allergies; you will feel better all over and have more energy to get out and enjoy those long summer days.

If you would like more information about our products and services or would like to make an appointment, call today at 303-665-2525.